תּנ״ך, איבערזעצער: יהואש א+ב

תּנ״ך, איבערזעצער: יהואש א+ב

Tanakh trans. Yehoash, Two Volumes

Price: $50.00

Shipping and Handling: $15.00 (USA); $50.00 (Canada); $75.00 (Israel); $73.00 (Europe); $80.00 (Other countries)
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F3014 Original Caption: Molly Picon in "YIDDLE with his FIDDLE" Green-Film Production. Trio Press, Inc. Circa 1950’s

F3013 Molly Picon. Apeda, New York. Circa 1920’s

F3012 Molly Picon boarding an airplane. Wide World Photos. Circa 1937.

F3011 Molly Picon. Rappoport Studio, New York City. Circa 1930’s

F3010 Molly Picon in a scene from an unknown play. Circa 1930’s

F3009 Molly Picon in a scene from an unknown play. Circa 1930’s

F3008 Joseph Rumshinsky playing the piano, Molly Picon and three other women singing standing beside him. 1950’s

F3007 Molly Picon with three unidentified men. Circa 1950’s

F3006 Molly Picon seated with two unidentified men. Circa 1950’s

F3005 Original Caption: Margaret Arlen (left) interviews the internationally famous Jewish musical comedy star MOLLY PICON (right), who talked on her forthcoming tour of Europe entertaining the displaced peoples on the continent on her WABC program. CBS Photo Division, New York. 1945-1950

F3004 Molly Picon, Kate Smith, and Joseph Rumshinsky. David Workman, New York 1940’s